Skin care Routines / Skincare Tips / Sunscreens

Think Twice About Using Last Summer's Sunscreen

If you think about it if sunscreens are used correctly -  applied frequently and generously, a bottle of sunscreen won't last long.

Most sunscreens include an expiration date — a date indicating when they're no longer effective.
- Discard sunscreen that is past its expiration date

- Discard sunscreen that has any obvious changes in color or consistency.

This would include emulsion separation, graininess, preservative breakdown, colour, and odor changes. Using sunscreens that have gone off makes them less effective or not effective at all, which means a significant increase in the potential for sunburns, sun damage, age spots, and the risk for skin cancer.
Sunscreen is best stored in a cool place , it will expire faster if left out in the heat & sunlight.

My advice would be don't use last years sunscreen, it's just not worth the risk.

A photo of Andrea Patel
Andrea Patel Dermatology Nurse Practitioner & Director Author
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