Anti-ageing / Skin care Routines / Skincare Tips

Hassle-free Skincare tips for Busy Mums



As a busy Mum, a comprehensive skincare regime can be at the bottom of your priority list, somewhere between homeschooling, walking the dog and getting dinner on the table. However, as we age stress, lack of sleep and too much sun can take a toll on our skin's health, prematurely ageing us.

How to achieve maxiMUM impact with miniMUM effort

Good skincare doesn't have to be a complex one

advanced skincare

Look for products that are backed by science, search for the word 'Cosmeceutical' which refers to cosmetic products with active advanced ingredients that work. Don't invest in a cabinet full of high street products. With skincare, less is more, so ensure you have the right products that will make a difference. Saving you time and money in the long run.

Use sunscreen daily even in winter.


The single most important thing you can do for your skin is to wear good quality sunscreen every day. Go for a high factor for your face, like an SPF30 and ensure that it filters UVA and UVB rays.

My favourite sunscreen is SkinCeuticals Ultra facial SPF50



Drink water- and lot's of it!

Water ensures the skin retains optimal moisture and volume, helping to keep it supple and preventing premature ageing. You should aim to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. I know when I haven't drank much water in a day, my forehead has wrinkles.



Exfoliation is essential for all skin types, whether you have sensitive, dry, oily, acne-prone skin, uneven skin tone, etc.

Removing dead skin cells and encouraging new cell growth will reveal healthy, radiant new skin with improved elasticity.

This also enables your serums, moisturisers and other skincare products to penetrate the skin surface better and work more effectively.

With regular use, microdermabrasion helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, open pores, pigmentation, acne scarring, and so much more. 

I cannot live without my DermaTx Microdermbrasion Brighten 's so quick and easy and effective!

Vitamin C is a proven, beneficial addition to your skincare regimen. 

vit c

Using a Vitamin C serum every morning can help to promote skin rejuvenation by reversing free radical damage caused by the sun and natural ageing.

SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic is my favourite vitamin C serum

Mineral make-up is a must


Don't undo all the hard work by using traditional make-up that will clog your pores and irritate your skin. Mineral make-up contains pure mineral ingredients, free from parabens, chemical dyes and fragrances, which can irritate your skin.

Jane Iredale is a range Of Mineral-Based Skincare Makeup



A photo of Andrea Patel
Andrea Patel Dermatology Nurse Practitioner & Director Author
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