Acne/oily/enlarged pores / Skin care Routines / Skincare Tips

What are the best ways to get rid of large pores?

Why do pores become enlarged?
Enlarged pores are usually caused by over-active sebaceous (oil) glands.
This results in the pores becoming blocked with dead skin cells, dirt & oil, and therefore more visible. 
Other causes include ageing, the skin around the pore can become less elastic as we age, making it appear larger.
Too much sun exposure is another culprit since UV radiation breaks down collagen and elastin, which in turn expands the pore size.
Are clogged pores acne?

Pores are where the hair follicle exits the skin and where the oil gland exits the skin and releases our body’s natural moisture. When dead skin cells get clogged deep inside a pore, it creates a dark shadow, and that’s why a blackhead looks black—it’s actually the shadow of the sides of the pore. If the clog is more toward the surface, that’s a whitehead. Inflamed pores become acne, and the oil gland swelling around the clogged pore leads to a cyst.

What can we do to help?
First of all, stop using skincare products that block your pores - like heavy creams or makeup
Choose products that say non-comedogenic and of course use advanced skincare products that contain active ingredients and not alcohol and fragrances.



It is important to cleanse daily to remove dirt & oil from the day and remove makeup at night, no matter how tired you are.
Foreo is a waterproof cleansing device that claims to remove up to 99.5% of dirt and oil from your pores. It's made out of ultra-hygienic silicone that's nonporous and resistant to bacteria buildup.
Gently pulsating silicone brushes lift away dead cells and unclog pores for firmer, cleaner results.



Protect your face with sunscreen every day

The biggest mistake is not using sunscreen, as sun damage leads to the degradation of your collagen, which will make pores look bigger.

Mineral sunscreen is lightweight so as not to clog the skin.

Mineral-powered SPF's are ideal for sensitive skin as they don't get absorbed by your skin and are less likely to clog pores too. 



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Regular exfoliation can help remove pore-clogging dead cells and excess oil from the skin’s surface. Look for a cleanser, serum, or moisturiser containing chemical exfoliants with AHAs (like glycolic, or lactic acid) or BHAs like salicylic acid. Remember you have to use it on a regular basis for the best pore-minimising results otherwise, your pores will fill back up with dead skin cells.



vit c  retinol  retinol

Stimulate Collagen

As you get older your collagen weakens and lessens, so products like Retinol (Vitamin A) and Vitamin C help stimulate collagen production and strengthen the walls of the pores.




Weekly at-home treatments 

Microdermabrasion, exfoliating peels, or clay masks are a great way to achieve brighter, smoother skin and clearer pores and prevent ingrown hairs.





Microneedling is a safe and effective method for reducing the appearance of enlarged pores that can be done at home. The micro-injuries to the skin caused by micro-needling trigger the skin's own wound healing response. The skin naturally produces new collagen and elastin helping to improve the skin texture and pore size. 



A photo of Andrea Patel
Andrea Patel Dermatology Nurse Practitioner & Director Author
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