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Do LED Light Therapy Masks Really Work?

Do LED Light Therapy Masks Really Work?

LED light therapy devices, including masks, are clinically proven to have the potential to improve your skin in numerous ways. Let's find out how.


LED masks may look a little frightening at first glance however, once only available as a professional in-office treatment with a doctor or dermatologist, at-home devices such as LED face masks promise great skin results. You can now achieve professional results in the comfort of your own home!

Not only can they improve skin concerns such as skin hydration, skin texture, and stimulate collagen production but they are also clinically proven to kill the acne-causing bacteria P. acnes to result in an overall clearer complexion.

Here we look at LED light therapy, what it does, and what benefits you can expect to achieve all without having to go to a clinic.

A one-time purchase, unlimited treatments!!

What Does A LED Mask Do To Your Skin?

There are three main different colour settings when it comes to LED light therapy.

Here we go through the individual colours and what their skin benefits are:

Red Light: Helps stimulate collagen and elastin production to refine and strengthen the skin. Boosts luminosity through improved blood circulation, and plumps the complexion.

Blue Light: Powerful anti-bacterial properties help to decongest and clarify the skin, balancing a troubled complexion caused by the bacteria P.acnes.

Infrared Light: Near Infrared Light (NIR) is invisible to the naked eye and helps deliver a powerful reparative skin response to soothe damaged skin, reduce sensitivity, and calm inflammation.

Are LED Face Masks Safe?

LED masks have an excellent safety profile and go through rigorous safety tests and clinical trials.

Do I Still Need A Skincare Routine?

Yes, of course. A LED mask should act as a booster to your skincare routine for greater results rather than an alternative.

led lights

Pro Tips:

  • Consistency is the key, regular and consistent use of a LED face mask will ensure the best results

  • Perform an at-home peel, scrub, or microdermabrasion treatment prior to using an LED device to remove dead skin cells and achieve ultimate results

  • Only choose professional, clinic-level brands and devices 

  • Follow with a high-factor sunscreen daily, don't undo all the hard work!

What Is The Best LED Face Mask?


omniulx contour contour

Trusted and used by dermatologists worldwide, OMNILUX is the most tested and trusted LED mask brand on the market and is the gold standard around the world for medical and aesthetic applications since 2003. The soft and flexible silicone mask wraps around your face to sit comfortably and be worn at any time at home.

The Contour LED mask focuses on skin rejuvenation and improving fine lines and wrinkles. With no pain, no side effects or downtime, and less costly than other anti-ageing procedures, these are just a few of the advantages offered with the OMNILUX light technology.

Optimised energy output and two clinically proven wavelengths of light emitted (red 633nm and near-infrared 830nm) penetrate deep beneath your skin cells to stimulate new collagen, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and reduce sun damage and the visible signs of aging.


omniulx clear clear

Alternatively, the Clear LED mask contains red and blue light to focus on the treatment of acne and acne-prone skin. The LED lights decrease inflammation and pore size, destroy the bacteria (P. acnes) responsible for inflammation, and stimulate healthy tissue growth.

Acne develops when the sebaceous glands in a person's skin produce excess oil (sebum). This oil combines with cells that line the gland walls and clogs the pores. Normal skin bacteria colonize these pores and the body's response causes the inflammation or reddening of the skin that we associate with acne. Researchers have discovered that something as simple as light holds the key to clearing up problem skin.

When your skin is flooded with alternating blue and red light, the bacteria self-destructs and inflammation is decreased. Your acne fades and your skin heals. It's as simple as that!

The benefits of LED therapy go deeper than improving wrinkles, pigmentation, and skin tone.

Omnilux Contour Glove

 This compact, easy-to-use red and near-infrared light therapy device is proven to ease inflammation and improve mobility in the hands, all from the comfort of home.

With just three to five 10-minute sessions each week, the Contour Glove can help you overcome pain and stiffness while rejuvenating your hands’ appearance. 


Increased Blood Flow
Red light therapy reduces inflammation by enhancing blood flow to the damaged tissue, ensuring that the affected cells receive oxygen and nutrients for tissue regeneration.

Protection Against Oxidative Stress
Red light is known to curb oxidative stress, the term used for an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body. Left alone, oxidative stress can inflict cell and tissue damage while contributing to chronic inflammation. Red light bolsters your body’s antioxidant protection, helping to keep free radical levels low.

Stimulates Collagen Production
As if those benefits weren’t compelling enough, red light also boosts collagen production. Collagen encourages the development of cartilage, the connective tissue that absorbs impact and prevents friction in your body’s joints. Especially for individuals with chronic joint pain from arthritis, this benefit can prove invaluable for long-term pain management.

Ramps up ATP Production
For muscle pain, red light therapy provides yet another key perk: increased ATP production. ATP is a molecule that gives your cells energy, acting as the fuel they need to function properly. After red light therapy, ATP will rush to your body’s rescue, helping to heal soft tissue injuries and keep your cells working as usual.


A photo of Andrea Patel
Andrea Patel Dermatology Nurse Practitioner & Director Author
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