Other Skin Conditions / Skin care Routines / Body Care / Skincare Tips

Keep your children’s skin from becoming dry or itchy



My son was off from School last week with a viral infection, temperature, rash, swollen glands etc. and then followed on by an outbreak of eczema all over his body.

So I thought I might give you my tips about children’s skincare.
Especially as the colder weather is on it's way, children do tend to suffer more with dry, itchy skin in the winter months.






Use warm water & avoid bubble bath or soap – they are extremely drying and potentially irritating.
Use a bubble bath which is hypoallergenic, soap free and contains no added fragrances or colourings and is PH balanced.




With eczema it is a good idea to apply emollient before having a bath to prevent the skin from drying even further

(for example QV Skincare, Diprobase cream, oilatum cream, E45 cream)


Use a soap free wash – soap is alkaline which has a drying effect on the skin.
A soap subsititute should be used instead like QV Skincare, Aqueous cream, E45 wash or oilatum bath.


Over washing can dry or irritate the skin, so less time in the bath and less often is preferable.


Gently pat your child’s skin dry – avoid vigorous rubbing after bathing.


Hydrate the skin using an emollient cream or lotion within a few minutes of bathing while water is still trapped in the skin for extra hydration, and reapply as necessary.

For example use QV Skincare , Diprobase cream, E45 cream etc.
Apply in a downward motion in the direction of the hair growth.









Nothing helps heal an intense flare-up like wet wraps at night. Also wearing cotton gloves to prevent the sores caused by itching.



Dress your child in breathable clothing like cotton and avoid harsh or irritating clothing like wool.


Andrea x

Cosmetic Nurse Practitioner

A photo of Andrea Patel
Andrea Patel Dermatology Nurse Practitioner & Director Author
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