Anti-ageing / Supplements

H30 Hydration - Find Out The Secret to No Hangovers!

new years eve drink

We've all been there the morning of New Years Day wishing we'd not had that last drink, or two, or three..

No matter how good the night was, we end up waking up with the worst headache, promising never to let another cocktail or drop of champagne pass our lips. 


We all know and love, alcohol but ultimately it does more harm than good.


Now unfortunately the only way to completely avoid a hangover is to not drink at all.


However, we can help ourselves by lining our stomach before drinking, and to knock back a glass of water in between each alcoholic drink.


However, if you’ve woken up with a hangover, then here is how to ease the pain and cure your hangover, naturally:


 Our Hangover Cure:

 The first tip, and most important of all, is to rehydrate the body!


Beat that dehydration by enjoying a large, cooling glass of water. For extra hydration, try adding slices of cucumber to your water, or you could add fresh lemon to speed up detoxification.


I'd also suggest sipping on a drink that is designed to restore balance to your body’s electrolytes. Unfortunately, we lose a lot of essential nutrients and minerals when we drink, so we need to help our bodies to function properly once again.


Rejuvenated H30 Hydration formula is full of ionic minerals to help supercharge your body’s hydration. It is also designed to help ease fatigue and will leave your skin looking brighter and fresher, too.

rejuvenated hydration

Avoid greasy, heavy foods and opt for antioxidant-rich food such as beetroot or other detoxifying foods: leafy greens, lemons, garlic, and green tea, which will also help you to feel more human thanks to the slow-releasing caffeine.

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A photo of Andrea Patel
Andrea Patel Dermatology Nurse Practitioner & Director Author
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