Anti-ageing / Whats New? / Supplements

Advanced Nutrition Programme Skin Blue Filter

New, ground-breaking supplement that shields skin from the impact of blue light by 60%
anp blue filter

Many of us are aware of artificial blue light that emits from our screens, but we’re exposed to the harmful rays as soon as we step outside!

It's what makes our sky look blue. In fact, skin-damaging UV make up only 5% of sunlight, while blue light makes up 30% 
Oxidative Stress from blue light 
96% Sunlight 
4% Office / Screen 
Damages keratinocytes and fibroblasts = Increases fine lines  /wrinkles
Damages DNA = Poor Healing 
Increases MMP= sagging skin , Increases loss of elasticity 
Increases Inflammation
Damages Lipid Layer = Dryness 
Damages Melanocyte’s = Increases Pigmentation 
Shield Skin From Blue Light ! 
You have heard of SPF, now lets discover SBF (SKIN BLUE FILTER)
Did you know – 5 days in front of a screen =25 minutes in midday sun without protection ! 
Did you know ? Blue Light penetrates through glass !
Did you know – Blue Light affects the lipids !
anp blue filter
Vitamin E =Protects our skin from blue lights by up to 60% Antioxidant Protection ,Protects the cell membrane, by sitting in the corneum to filter blue light -  there’s lots of anti – oxidants , that each do different jobs – like you have different shoes to garden in than when you go to the pub!
Olive Fruit= Shields against premature signs of ageing/uneven skin tone/skin barrier Protects the Fibroblasts, Keratinocytes , Fibroblasts , Collagen , Elastin , Anti Inflammatory Help target skin discolouration/redness
Lutein and Zeaxanthin= Increase skins luminosity and increase elasticity
Biotin = Contributes to maintain a healthy skin
In trials , client taking one a day for 8 weeks – that’s just one pot of Skin Blue Filter …its £48 RRP - that’s 80 p per day!
Repaired previous damage by 60% in 56 days 
Increased hydration by 17% 
Increases skin smoothness by 15% 
Reduces fine lines , wrinkles by 16% 
Increases skin barrier function by 14% 
Who is this for?
Visible signs of ageing
All skin types 
Sensitive to light 
Inflammatory conditions 
A photo of Andrea Patel
Andrea Patel Dermatology Nurse Practitioner & Director Author
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