Other Skin Conditions

FAQ's - I suffer from Perioral dermatitis


I suffer from Perioral dermatitis, is there a product you would recommend?

Perioral dermatitis is a skin disorder in which tiny red bumps form around the mouth.

The exact cause of perioral dermatitis is unknown. It may occur after using face creams containing steroids for another condition.
Young women are most likely to get this condition.

Symptoms include:
•Burning feeling around the mouth
•Bumps around the mouth, may be filled with fluid or pus
•A similar rash may appear around the eyes, nose, or forehead and may be mistaken for acne

I know in some cases antibiotics are used as a treatment (oral or topical)
Avoid using skin creams containing steroids on your face

It maybe worth trying Skinetica
Skinetica mentioned that a 26 year old lady who had suffered badly with it for years, and tried everything with no success. she found that Skinetica is the only product she has ever used which cured her perioral dermatitis.