1. Applying acne treatment just to the spots
Not only do acne treatment products help heal the existing spot it also helps to prevent new spots.
Apply acne treatment product over your whole face.
2. Squeezing spots
Squeezing spots can spread infection, making the skin worse resulting in scarring.
Don't touch it!
3. Not using a sunscreen every morning
Even if the weather is cloudy, the UV rays get through. This can result in changes in your skin colour and texture, wrinkles and fine lines appearing earlier, and an increased possibility of developing skin cancer. A sunburn can dry out pimples temporarily, but it can end up making you break out even more because your skin reacts to the drying effect of the sun by producing even more oil.
Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen/daytime moisturiser every morning of at least SPF30. choose one that says non-comedogenic on the bottle to ensure it doesn't block pores.
4. Inconsistent use of acne treatment products
Acne treatments are only effective if used once or twice a day, every day not a few times a week.
Remember, you can't cure acne - just control it.
5. Not using a moisturiser because you have oily skin.
Everyone needs to use a moisturiser even if you have oily skin.
All cleansers even water, take out some level of moisture, and especially acne products can be very drying too. Using a moisturiser will replace this, protect your skin from increased irritation and infection and protect your skin barrier.
Dry skin is irritated skin. Anytime you irritate your skin, you risk getting more acne.
Go with a moisturiser that won't add oil or a greasy feel or go for a serum instead of a cream moisturiser.
6. Changing your products all the time
This approach can irritate your skin, which can cause more breakouts. Don't keep changing the products in your regime as you will not be giving them time to start working or improve the results. You want to use a product for 6 to 8 weeks.
To learn about Seborrhoeic Dermatitis, read our skincare guide, How to treat Seborrheic Dermatitis written by Dermacare's aesthetics experts.